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Village Retro-Fit (2017)

Village Retro-Fit (2017)

Project Data


Total Area:   varies, several towns

Location:   Guangxi, China

Land Use:   Residential, Commercial

Features:   Complex urban retro-fit strategy built on synergies between cultural, sustainable, economic and comfort benefits for community  

Scope:   Sustainable Urban Retro-Fit Strategy

Status:   Planning



Project Summary


A series of smaller towns in the vicinity of Nanning are projected to see substantial retro-fitting improvements on an urban scale with the aim to make these communities more attractive for tourism development.

However, this project enlarges the idea of “urban retro-fitting” to a complex system of quality improivements in a holistic sense, including:


  • Setting an attractive environment for tourists and guests
  • Providing simple bottom-up business opportunities for existing residents
  • Improving comfort living standards of existing community
  • Optimizing energy efficiency with simple measures for the entire development
  • Harmonizing traditional shop houses with a new sense of contemporary rural living

To showcase the development strategy and generated urban design, two sites were chosen representing the larger devlopment plan: a river-side location and a town-center location. Both feature a mix of add-ons and retro-fit as well as a functionla mix of residential, hospitality, retail and F&B (town-center location) and residential. hospitality, F&B (river-side location).

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